Jim Kinslowe
Jim has had two distinctively different careers. As golf professional for 20 years, he developed a reputation as a “troubleshooter,” since his job was to turn troubled golf courses into profitable operations. After a series of successes, Jim moved into the financing world, where he arranged loans for individuals with unique cash flow streams such as lottery winnings, structured legal settlements, seller carry-back deeds or trusts, and business notes. As a byproduct, he developed the skills necessary to help small businesses obtain financing through non-traditional means such as accounts receivable financing, purchase order funding, and receivables factoring.
Now in his second decade in financing, Jim’s main focus is helping small businesses obtain the capital necessary to facilitate their growth. I am a people person who enjoys the thrill of helping others.
When I look at a prospective deal, I do my best to find a way to say yes, when most bankers are looking for ways to say no. My clients usually become my friends because I care greatly about what I do and those I can help; they sense my dedication and know that I have their best interests at heart.